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St. Andrews CE Methodist Primary School




Please click here to see the curriculum objectives for Year 1.

Please click here to see an overview of the curriculum for Spring term 1.

Please click here to see an overview of the curriculum for Autumn term 2.

Autumn Term 1

Reading Spine

Click here to see the Year 1 reading spine.

Year 1 Reading Evening

Thank you to those parents and carers who attended the Year 1 evening.  If you were unable to attend, please click on the link below to find the slides from the evening.

Year 1 Reading Evening for Parents and Carers


Children in Year 1 are expected to read their school reading book for 10 minutes, 5 times a week. 

Please encourage your child to complete their reading homework and achieve their 'Gold Reading Challenge' each half term.

At St. Andrew's, as well as reading book from school, children can access additional reading books from the online eBook library from Oxford Reading Buddy.  As a school we pay a subscription to be able to access eBooks for our children.  This has proven very popular with parents and children as another way to read, enjoy and foster your child's love of reading!  Please refer to your individual reading logins.

Homework -Phonics

Please use the link below to find out more information about our new phonics scheme, Twinkl Phonics.

Twinkl Phonics - A Guide for Parents 

Each week the children will bring home an information sheet to explain the work they have been covering in class.  Please keep the sheets in the folder provided and practise the GCPs (Graphemes and corresponding Phonemes) with your child.  

Please use the link below to find out more out our Phonics Reading Scheme, Rhino Readers.

Rhino Readers A Guide for Parents

Homework- Maths

Over the next 2 terms, the children need to learn by heart the 'Learn its:-

1+9 = 10 2+8=10 3+7=10 4+6=10 5+5=10. 

Learn its are simple sums that are vitally important for children to learn and be able to recall them instantly, (with no thinking time).  The children need to be able to say the answer to a Learn it as quickly as they would answer their name!

Click on the images below to sing songs and play games to practise recalling the number bonds for 10.



Choose the 'Number Bonds' option on the website, number bonds for 10.  

Homework-Make and Tell

 'Make and Tell' replaces the Reception speaking and listening activity, 'Show and Tell'.  The children are encouraged to bring something to school which they have made, independently, at home. 

It can be something they have written, drawn, painted or hand crafted. ‘Make and Tell’ will be on a Friday and each week a different group will have their turn. Please can your child bring their items on the appropriate days.

You are emailed each half term with the appropriate days and dates to bring your child's make and tell in. 


  If you wish to practise any writing at home with your child, please remember to encourage them to use the correct letter formation.  Please refer to the handwriting document using the link below.

St. Andrew's School Handwriting


Library Morning

Library Morning is every Wednesday.  The children will have the opportunity to choose a library book to borrow from school.  They are asked to return the book the following Wednesday to exchange it for a new one.  We will email parents when Library Morning starts this term.


In Year 1, our PE days are Monday and Fridays. Please make sure your child has both inside and outside kits in school and long hair is tied back.

Water Bottles

Please make sure your child has a SMALL, transparent water bottle containing just water, at school everyday.  We encourage the children to be as independent as possible, one of their roles each term is to be a 'Water Bottle Monitor'.   Keeping the water bottles small means (as well as preventing spillages of large quantities of water) the children are able to carry multiple bottles into the playground at breaktimes.  The children have access to a water cooler so they are able to refill their water bottles during the day.

We also ask that water bottles are not carried in book bags or book bag holders as bottles often leak, ruining reading books which are expensive to replace. Water bottle trays are outside the classroom and children will put their water bottle in the coloured tray according to their house team.

Year 1 Useful Links and Websites 

Year 1 Spelling Strategies 

Year 1 writing expectation checklist 

Year 1 words

Year 1 Phonics Games