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St. Andrews CE Methodist Primary School



Hello Year 2


Please click here to see the curriculum objectives.

Please click here to see an overview of the curriculum for Autumn term 1. 

Please click here to see an overview of the curriculum for Autumn term 2.

Please click here to see an overview of the curriculum for Spring term 1.

Reading Spine

Click here to see the Year 2 reading spine

Homework - Reading Challenge

Children in Year 2 are expected to read their school reading book for 15 minutes, 5 times a week.  Please encourage your child to complete their reading homework and achieve their 'Gold Reading Challenge' each half term.  

 When appropriate, children in Year 2 will be given the opportunity to change their reading book independently. 

 At St Andrew's, as well as reading books from school, children can access additional reading books from the online eBook library from Oxford Reading Buddy.  As a school we pay a subscription to be able to access eBooks for our children.  This has proven to be very popular with parents and children as another way to read, enjoy and foster your child's love of reading!  Please refer to your individual reading logins.

Homework- Phonics and Spellings

Please follow the link below to find out more information about our phonics scheme, Twinkl Phonics.

Twinkl Phonics- A Guide for Parents

Please follow the link below to find out more about our phonics reading scheme - Rhino Readers.

Rhino Readers - A Guide for Parents 

Your child's spell homework is linked to the work they do in their daily phonics lessons.  Your child will be sent home with a list of spellings for this half term, they will be tested on a random selection of 20 words during the last week of term.  Please help your child practise their spellings at home.  To support your child, they can practise spellings on the website Spelling Shed.  Each child has been sent home with a unique username and password.  

Please practise your spellings using Spelling Shed.  

There are 2 spelling groups, Purple Group and Blue Group.  Your child has been sent home with a paper copy for their group.

Please click on this link for Purple Group  Spellings Autumn Term 1 

Please click on this link for Blue Group Spellings Autumn Term 1 

Please click on this link for Purple Group Spellings Autumn Term 2

Please click on this link for Blue Group Spellings Autumn Term 2

Please click on this link for Purple Group Spellings Spring Term 1

Please click on this link for Blue Group Spellings Spring Term 1

Homework - Maths 

Please click on this link for information regarding Year 2 Maths homework.


This terms topic in History is The Great Fire of London

Library Morning

Library Morning is every Wednesday.  The children will have the opportunity to choose a library book to borrow from school.  They are asked to return the book the following Wednesday to exchange it for a new one.  We will email parents when Library Morning starts this term.



In Year 2, our PE days are Monday and Wednesday. Please make sure your child has both inside and outside kits in school and long hair is tied back.

Water Bottles

Please make sure your child has a SMALL, transparent water bottle containing just water, at school everyday.  We encourage the children to be as independent as possible, one of their roles each term is to be a 'Water Bottle Monitor'.   Keeping the water bottles small means (as well as preventing spillages of large quantities of water) the children are able to carry multiple bottles into the playground at breaktimes.  The children have access to a water cooler so they are able to refill their water bottles during the day.  We also ask that water bottles are not carried in book bags or book bag holders as bottles often leak, ruining reading books which are expensive to replace. 


Homework-Topic and Tell

 'Topic and Tell' replaces the Year 1 speaking and listening activity, 'Make and Tell'.  The children are encouraged to bring something to school, related to a topic currently being taught.  This might be; a piece of writing, a diagram, a picture, a model, an information book- whatever the children wish to bring, as long as it is related to a current topic.

There are no set times for children to bring work to school, they can bring it in anytime during the week.  It will be put on display for the class to see, and at some point, their 'Topic and Tell' will be shared with the rest of the class.  The children will receive a 'fish reward' for their homework.