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St. Andrews CE Methodist Primary School


Hello Year 3

Please use this webpage to find information about our learning in Year 3. 



Please click here to see an overview of the curriculum for the Autumn 1 term.  


Please click here to see the curriculum objectives.


  Click here  to see the Y3 Starter letter that was sent out on the transition day in July. 

PE 2024- 2025


Our P.E days are Tuesday and Thursday.  Children will need their indoor and outdoor kits in school for the duration of the week.  Please ensure all items of their P.E. kits are labelled and that children have a bobble/band for long hair and tape if earrings cannot be removed. It is preferable that jewellery is removed on P.E. days to ensure it is safe. 

Year 3 will attend swimming lessons at Graves Leisure Centre later this academic year. Dates will be provided nearer the time. Please be aware, earrings cannot be worn in the pool so please be mindful of this if your child is having their ears pierced.



Please click here to view the spellings for term 1 - purple group.

Please click here to view the spellings for term 1 - blue group. 

Reading- 20 minutes a day- 5x a week. Please sign a box on the ‘Reading Challenge’ sheet in your child’s reading record. Please sign to say they have finished their book so that they can change it for a new one. This feeds into the ‘Reading Challenge Awards’ given out each term.

 Spellings- (6-10 words a week for each week of the half term). These are available at the beginning of each half term in your child’s homework book and a list is available above. Your child knows their group and this should match the spelling sheet in their homework book, but do not hesitate to ask if you require clarification. Please practise these with your child at home to support their learning. They will be tested on these in the last week of the half term. They will be notified of when this test will take place.


Times Tables- In Year 3, children will be practising and applying their times table facts regularly. Each week, they will be given some facts to practise for a weekly test or challenged to practise a given table on Times Table Rock Stars.


Maths/English/Topic- Work will be added to your child’s homework book on a fortnightly basis to support/enhance their current learning in class.

  1. Occasionally, the children will be asked to bring something in from home to support their topic learning.

The children will be rewarded merits/house points for completing homework on time. Homework will be addressed in a specific session on the due date and valuable feedback will be given. Therefore, it is important that they remember to bring their homework book in on the due date written in their book.

All tasks set will support children’s learning in class and therefore should be something they are familiar with. We will always explain and model how to complete the homework prior to sending it out. If your child is unsure about the task, please encourage them to ask prior to the return date. If your child requires support with a task, feel free to communicate this by writing it in their homework book. Homework should be a positive experience for all concerned.

Useful Links/Websites 


Below are some useful links:

TTROCKSTARS guide for parents/carers

Hit the Button

Coconut Multiples

Maths Fishing

Spelling Shed

Times Table Rock Stars