PE and Sport Premium
We are please to announce our new school games award, please click here.
For information on our swimming lessons please click here.
Primary school PE and school sport: new funding
The PE funding should be used to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision within the school. This year the funding has doubled this year to £16,000 plus £10 per pupil from Year 1 to Year 6. So our school, this year, has been allocated £17,700. Schools are free to determine how best to use this funding to improve the quality and breadth of PE and sport provision, including increasing participation in PE and sport so that all pupils develop healthy lifestyles and reach the performance levels they are capable of.
The evidence for physical activity and keeping active is overwhelming. An active lifestyle in and outside of school has a great impact on children’s wellbeing, productivity, stress levels, energy levels, obesity, brain activity, brain health and children’s moods.
How do we keep active at St Andrews?
- We have encourage active play times and lunch times. We have an apparatus timetable, football timetable and a net timetable. We have a variety of equipment to keep the children active.
- We use Teach Active, which is a programme that provides active Maths, Writing and Reading lessons.
- The children take part in wake and shakes and brain breaks throughout the day.
- The children have two hour PE sessions each week.
- We have an outdoor classroom which each class uses regularly.
- In KS1, each class has outside provision to promote an active curriculum.
- Each year we sign up to SHAPE PE Partnership which provide festivals and competitions throughout the year for every year group.
- The company bikeability come into school each year and work with Reception, year 3,4 and 6.
The new Childhood Obesity: A plan for action policy (August 2016) states that the daily recommendation of physical activity for children aged 5-11 is 60 minutes per day. Schools are responsible for 30 minutes of this exercise, the other 30 minutes should be done at home.
How will we be spending the PE and Sport funding and who will it benefit?
At St Andrews we are investing £2500 of our funding to affiliate to the SHAPE PE Partnership. SHAPE s passionate about improving the lives of young people, by providing opportunities through Physical Education and Sport.
What is SHAPE?
SHAPE (Sport, Health Activity and Physical Education) is a new organisation whose members are the partner schools of the old Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire School Sport Partnerships.
SHAPE aims to work with its member schools to improve the lives of all young people in the area through their involvement in PE, school sport, physical activity and health-based interventions.
- SHAPE has been THE trusted provider of PE and School Sport support in the Chesterfield area for nearly 15 years. No-one else has as much experience as us!
- SHAPE is managed and staffed by qualified teachers with over 73 years’ experience of teaching and of working with and in schools.
- SHAPE has won national awards for its work with schools and in the community.
- SHAPE is the ONLY official delivery agency in the area for School Games (funded by the Department for Education) Only SHAPE can officially offer support with this initiative.
- SHAPE is the ONLY official delivery agency in the area for the Bikeability project (funded by the Department of Transport).
- SHAPE is one of only 7 approved partnerships across Derbyshire, the official representative of both Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire schools and works with the Government and Sport England supported Derbyshire-wide by the County Sports Partnership, Active Derbyshire.
- SHAPE is THE Lead Inclusion agency for school sport in Derbyshire as selected by the Youth Sport Trust.
- SHAPE provides support to 57 member schools across both Chesterfield and North East Derbyshire.
- Due to its official networks, SHAPE currently attracts significant external funding which enables it to provide an extensive offer to its member schools at a highly subsidised rate. With your support we hope to be able to continue to do this.
- SHAPE is a not-for-profit organisation.
SHAPE believes that the PE curriculum is best delivered by qualified teachers with their in-depth knowledge of the whole child, their families and the communities they serve. Only teaching staff in those schools can fully understand and best meet those complex issues.
SHAPE shares with AfPE (The Association for Physical Education) the belief that children need regular PE, School Sport and Physical Activity.
SHAPE aims to provide support and CPD to all teachers within their member schools.
As SHAPE is staffed by PE professionals and experienced teachers, SHAPE can be reactive to educational policy changes, for example the new Healthy Schools guidance.
School Sport is the learning that takes place beyond the curriculum but within a school setting. A good school sport programme should develop and broaden the skills and values of the PE curriculum and should be consistent with the aims of the curriculum at each stage.
SHAPE understands that at KS1 the focus is on pupils developing their fundamental movement skills and becoming increasingly competent and confident in their agility, balance and coordination. Yes, they should be able to engage in competitive and co-operative physical activities, in a range of increasingly challenging situations, but for infants the focus needs to be on basic movement skills so that age appropriate competition can follow later! All too often we see examples of young children playing adult sports with over enthusiastic coaches and parents shouting from the side-lines.
At KS2 pupils should continue to apply and develop a broader range of skills, learn how to use them in different ways and learn how to link them to make actions and sequences of movement. They should develop an understanding of how to improve in different physical activities and sports and learn how to evaluate and recognise their own success. They should enjoy communicating, collaborating and competing.
Competition is just one small element of a broad and balanced PE curriculum. Research in the British Medical Journal has found that competition is not always appropriate for all pupils. Pupils enjoy participation in PE and School Sport when they feel competent, in control and supported by others. Feeling competent depends on the choice of activity and on the pupils’ perceived physical capabilities and aptitude.
Feeling in control relates to having a choice of activities, being able to set personal exertion levels and having control over clothes worn while taking part.
Schools can positively influence their pupils’ enjoyment of PE and School Sport by understanding and supporting their personal goals, and by promoting a non-threatening atmosphere between pupils as opposed to dictating and controlling what they do and for how long.
Recently, rising obesity levels and concerns over the fitness of children and young people has returned the focus of PE and School Sport to its potential as a vehicle for promoting health.
The BMJ suggest that schools can positively influence the PE experience of both boys and girls by providing more choice of activities and letting pupils make their own decisions based on their personal needs.
SHAPE believes that teachers are best placed to meet this agenda with key guidance from SHAPE through CPD and specialist support in addition to age appropriate festivals and activities and, only where appropriate, competition.
It is worth noting that of the 5 key indicators for the Primary PE Premium Government funding, competition is the 5th priority.
SHAPE will provide a core package to support the school in;
Physical Education
- Continuous professional development signposting and support
- Inclusion training and support
- PE and School Sport Audit
- Training for our REAL PE scheme
- Health and Wellbeing programme
- Support in providing after-school Clubs
- Level 1 School Games (intra-school) support
- Access to Level 2 School Games calendar appropriate for age group (inter-school – cluster / district)
- Access to Level 3 School Games events (qualification only)
- Membership of the Derbyshire School Sports Association
Leadership & Volunteering
- Mini Leader programme - training / mentoring
- School Sport Organising Crew development (primary / junior)
Club & Community Links
- Signposting to local clubs through competition programme
- Sport specific curriculum support.
Physical Activity
- Midday Supervisor training
- Wheelchair Basketball taster day
- Active lunchtime programmes through our Mini-leaders
- Bikeability programme
- Early Rider Infant cycling programme
- Dance Festivals
- Inclusive Sport Festivals where whole classes can attend (Juniors only)
- Change 4 Life Sports Club programme.
- Promotion of Netball World Club- offering leadership training to classes.
- Multi-skills festivals for Infant children.
Other features
- Support for schools to achieve School Games Kitemark for PE and Sport
- Cluster and Individual School development through a PE and School Sport audit
- Sharing of good practice through regular PE Coordinator/Headteacher meetings at cluster and SSP level
- School Sport Partnership Conference (KS1 event)
To see a more detailed action plan and proposed expenditure please click here. Please note this document is an ongoing document and not yet completed for year.
To see our sports premium funding2024/2025 please click here
To see the whole school evaluation tool please click here.