World Book Day 2024
Our VR Experience
India Day 2024
Our 50th Birthday Celebrations
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Celebrations
Thank you!
We would like to say a big thank you to a local Dronfield resident, Sue Jardine, for her kind donation of a book to support and further our pupils’ understanding of autism. Your kindness is greatly appreciated.
From the staff and pupils
Easter Celebrations
On Wednesday we held a collective worship outside to celebrate Easter. The children all made and decorated a clay egg decoration and hung these on a spring branch. We sang worship songs together and year 6 read the story of Easter from the bible.
Wellness Week at St Andrews
Monday- Emotional and mental wellbeing- Inside Out
This day is to be all about the children’s emotions, the different kinds of emotions, how to identify them, express them and how to deal with them in life. Identifying and expressing emotions is vital for anyone’s mental health. We taught the children about how to cope with these emotions and taught them tools and strategies to cope with life’s emotions. The children must understand that it is OK to feel these different emotions.
We taught the children about these emotions through the film of Inside Out.
Why have we used this film?
The movie breaks down barriers and allows children to look at the deepest and darkest aspects of their well-being. It creates a space for children to understand the complexities of human emotion and feelings. It also gives the children language and insight to better express what they are feeling and working through in both the lowest and highest moments of life. Each year group will understand the movie in different ways.
Tuesday- Healthy body Physical activity and movement day
The aim of this day was to be active as possible in a variety of different ways and to teach the children about the importance of keeping active. The children learnt that being active isn’t just playing sport, running or doing PE. It can be playing tig, going for a walk, doing circuits, playing on the park etc. It keeps their body healthy and it helps keep their mind healthy too.
Wednesday- Healthy Body- Food and Nutrition
The aim of this day was to remind the children of the importance of a healthy and balanced diet. The children were taught about the impact a healthy/unhealthy diet can have on the body.
Thursday – Healthy Mind-
The children took part in a Yoga Workshop throughout the day. They learnt the importance of breathing, stretching and how Yoga can help them to be mindful. All the children enjoyed the experience and we now have flashcards and exercise cards to try at school too.
Mindfulness refers to a state of being in the here and now—quieting the mind and just being present. According to some recent research, teaching children about mindfulness can result in some big benefits related to attention, mood, and socially appropriate behaviour. Mindfulness promotes a good growth mindset. On this day children learnt about the importance of mindfulness and took part in activities such as mindfulness colouring, mindfulness activities and also learnt how to be mindful of others.
The aim was to promote children’s self-confidence; being mindful of how great they are as an individual and how to believe in themselves/having a good growth mindset.